There are three things in Lodwar, Kenya that are always certain:
- It’s always hot.
- It’s always dry.
- It’s ALWAYS in need of clean, drinkable water.
While there’s not much you or I could ever change about mother nature, you DID do something about what you could change. Last year on Giving Tuesday you decided to make a change in our world and bring clean water to orphans & widows living in Lodwar, Kenya.
Because of your support, drilling was able to start in early February and 30 days later, it was complete! 100ft below the sandy, dry earth lays fresh, clean, drinkable water. And YOU gave that to the Lodwar Kinship Project!
For three years, the Lodwar Kinship Project has been praying and patiently waiting for a well, taking long journeys every single day to collect water. Today, they give prayers of thanks. God is good, and He always provides.
In the dry desert of Lodwar, water is the difference between life and death. To our gracious friends who gave a gift last year on Giving Tuesday and to those of you who prayed for Lodwar, THANK YOU. Their lives are forever changed.
If your heart is called to continue giving the gift of clean water to Kinship Projects around the world, become a monthly giver today!
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