Diseases don’t run on a schedule. So when they attack, you aren’t always prepared. You search for the nearest doctor to treat yourself, your child, your spouse. And then you consider the cost. But what if the nearest hospital was miles away? And even if you could make the walk, you couldn’t afford to pay for treatment? When it comes to hospitals in Kenya, this is the case for too many people.

With the help of generous contributors like you, our partners in Kenya set out to help the least of these in a community with no hospital and a high poverty level. They selected this spot specifically to build their Community Clinic to serve this struggling community. Recently the clinic held a free day, and the compound was packed with sick and suffering individuals waiting for treatment. Starting in the morning, people traveled to the clinic to receive their free medicines and treatment.
From the tallest man to the smallest child, patients of all ages visited the doctors. As you probably know, children can’t always tell you what’s wrong, but you can see it written on their faces. Tears welling over, coughing, sneezing, wincing. The dedicated doctors and nurses were running nonstop around the clinic to make sure everyone was well attended.
One of the biggest complaints of the day was malaria. Without proper treatment like that given at the clinic, malaria can turn deadly. And sadly, most of the people who die of the disease are children in Africa.

Imagine the terror a mother would feel at the sight of her baby suffering from the familiar fever and chills caused by malaria. Without treatment, she knows her child would most likely die.
But picture the restored hope she’d feel after taking her baby to this free event. And YOU gave frantic parents like her that hope and relief!
So many patients needed medical help that the line stretched out the door and around the building. The crowd filled the inside of the clinic. And eventually they set up chairs for visitors waiting outside since there was no more room. By the end of the day, an estimated 300 patients had been seen and prescribed medicines.
Our partners overseas couldn’t accomplish any of this without the dedication and loyalty of generous donors like you. With your gifts, you’re saving countless lives and restoring more childhoods than you can fathom. And you served these patients without even leaving your home!
Thank you so much for caring about the people who know they need medical attention but just can’t afford it. You helped heal them during this event, and I know they couldn’t be any more grateful for you.