Kinship Live at Uganda's Cross Training Center:
Music Therapy for Traumatized Children
You can be a part of the healing process for orphaned children and make their dreams come true. Call us at 877-577-1070, or give a gift that will transform a community.
Many orphans are too traumatized to speak when they're first rescued.
They're torn apart by the tragedies they've experienced, the people they've seen killed or who've wasted away from AIDS or similar diseases. They can't cope. But you can be the one who helps turn their lives around with the power of music.
Kinship United rescues orphaned children who have suffered through horrific experiences, including war, extreme poverty, slave labor and illness. With Kinship Live, they open up through music, which plays a critical role in their healing process.
Will you rescue and restore the lives of traumatized children through the Kinship Live music program in Uganda?

The Place
The Cross Training Center was built on 13 acres of land in the Mityana district of Uganda. Like other Kinship Projects, the CTC is a Church first that serves the children and families living within their community. It has an aquaponics system on campus and plans are in development to build a clinic, a school, and additional training centers.
The Vision
Kinship Live facilitates the healing of traumatized children through the expression of their emotions through music. The program equips the next generation of worship leaders and pastors with valuable and practical skills to lead their future ministries well. The Cross Training Center is a hub for worship leaders and passionate young people to find healing, develop their skills, and find a career path.
As this program grows, it will expand to other Kinships in other countries!
Want to Donate Your Time?
Social Media Masters
Spread the word! You never know who is in your circle of family and friends that will get excited about this project. Share this story with your network that more lives can be transformed!
Music Teachers
We are always looking for talented individuals who are passionate about their craft. If you have a background in music and would like to donate your expertise, we would love to hear from you!
You can be a part of the healing process for orphaned children. A gift of any amount will play a critical role.