Your kindness granted all the wishes on An Orphan’s Wish List, from necessities like water, food, and medical check-ups to essential spiritual needs, placing Bibles in the hands of all children who reached out for one!
We’re thrilled to report the resounding success of a special event that your generosity made possible – the gifting of Christmas gift bags to over 250 widows in Kenya!
A Christmas Surprise
The Kinship Kenya team went door-to-door to all the widows they serve in the West Pokot community. Just imagine the surprise and joy on hundreds of smiling faces! These women did not believe their eyes – wheat flour, cooking oil, sugar, and tea leaves were in each package, in addition to dozens of MannaPack meals like usual!
Kinship Kenya field team leader Elizabeth described, “I saw the joy in these women and how grateful they were to God, and I realized that the package [meant] more to them than I had thought.”
Building Trust and Community
Did you know all of these widows rely upon the well in West Pokot YOU drilled in 2023?
With plenty of clean water close to them, tapped naturally from the ground below their feet, West Pokot changed for the better. Today, you can see changes all around you. No more dehydration or waterborne illness means children are healthier and everyone lives longer. Schools have more kids in attendance. Many women have even made small gardens and planted vegetables.
They say “water is life,” and the water project in West Pokot has proven that. YOU made that happen.
What’s Next for this Community?
Your impact continues to transform lives. The Kinship Kenya team focuses on its feeding program and evangelism outreach, now that the water crisis has been addressed. Stay tuned as Ujamaa provides life-changing education for women in the area, an incredible initiative that grows every day!
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