One day, out of 365, to remember and advocate for refugees around our world.
But when you are a refugee, every day is world refugee day.
This “r word” marks you forever, reminding you and everyone else that you are a person without a home and without a country. Your own people have betrayed each other and the life you always knew has crumbled around you.
There are so many refugees in the world today that many have called it the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II. And yet somehow it seems more distant than that, doesn’t it?
But not to them.
It’s not distant to the million people who have leaked through South Sudan’s border into Uganda, only to find themselves stuck in the world’s largest refugee camp.* It’s not distant to Syrians who risk, and even lose, their lives over turbulent waters while trying to escape their horrifying reality. It’s not distant to children from Myanmar who are abandoned in Thailand, their parents hoping a more stable government will provide better opportunities for their children.
No, for them it is painfully close.
Today, will you do what you can for a child who has lost their childhood to war? Or the mother who wants a new life for her babies? Or for the father who just wants to keep his wife and children safe?
If you need some ideas, see our post on 5 ways you can help refugees right now.
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