You already know that your generous support fills the bellies of hungry children living in Kinship Homes around the world. But did you know that you’re also feeding the hungry children living within their communities? Children like Esther, Jerome, Geraldine, and Rinah. And this time, just like ripples in water, the impact of your gifts spread out even further.
Every day at lunch time, Esther and her siblings walked to the Kireka Kinship Project in Uganda. They’re part of the Kinship Project’s feeding program, and the caregivers were always happy to see them and give them a hot meal. But Cissy, one of the caregivers, noticed something unusual. She saw Esther pack her leftover food into a bag and bring it home with her. So one day, she asked Esther about it and discovered that Esther was bringing the food back home to her dad, who was sick.
So Cissy packed an extra meal for Esther’s dad and walked Esther and her siblings home. When she got there, she was devastated. She couldn’t believe the extreme poverty and filth these children and their father, Ssalongo, were living in. And to make matters worse, Ssalongo would be dead soon if no one could take care of him.
Tearfully, Cissy shared this with her Kinship Family. They all agreed they could not, would not let Ssalongo die and leave his children as orphans.
Kireka’s pastor took Ssalongo to a nearby health center to get him medication. Caregivers also started giving the children extra food to take home for him until he was strong enough to pick up the food himself. Your generous support reached beyond feeding hungry children. You enabled the Kireka Kinship Project to give Ssalongo and his family a second chance!
Since then, Ssalongo’s strength has improved and he was able to start working and taking care of his children again! Thank you so much for supporting Kinships Projects like Kireka. Your gifts breathe new life into people who need it most!
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