Our Blog
We’re Counting our Blessings, and You’re High on the List!
Your gifts, big and small, are transforming the lives of orphans and widows every single day. Sometimes in ways you might not realize! From little things like fresh milk or a sweater, to big deals like beds and school supplies, we want you to know just how much you are blessing these kids. You were an answer to prayers in Uganda with cozy beds and warm sweaters. The old wooden beds at the Buloba Kinship Project were rotting and had become breeding grounds for bedbugs and carpenter ants. But thanks to you, they now have brand new metal beds, and Appreciation
Poverty to Profit: Finding Female Empowerment in Uganda
Countless women in Uganda suffer from domestic abuse. Traditionally, many Ugandan women don’t have incomes of their own, and many of their husbands lord this over them. Beaten down and berated, they’re punished for being “burdens” in a society where men are seen as the primary breadwinners. But not anymore. Now you’re helping to empower these women! In August of 2018, our Kinship Partners in Uganda hosted a women’s conference as part of their Women of Worth Empowerment Program. Over 200 women made the journey to attend: struggling single moms, lonely widows, abused wives, and any other women who needed Community