Our Blog
Kinship Spotlight – How You Can Help Amazing Grace Kinship
Have you ever wondered what a Kinship Project looks like? Would you like to take a tour? The Amazing Grace Kinship Project in Kenya would love to show you around! Take a Tour of the Amazing Grace Kinship Project 28 orphans at Amazing Grace are thrilled to have a roof over their heads and a family to call their own. But there’s something they don’t have: you! Without Monthly Sponsors, Life is on Edge Right now, the orphans and widows at the Amazing Grace Kinship Project in Kenya are surviving on food reserves and emergency funds. By God’s grace, they Kinship
New Uniforms and Smiles for Kids in Kenyan Kinships: The Real Impact of Your Gifts
Wow, now you’ve really done it! What did you do exactly? You changed lives, of course! Kids at several Kinship Projects in Kenya are standing tall and proud in new school uniforms because of your incredible gifts. And their smiles have never been wider! As you know, growing children wear their clothes out pretty quickly. Pants suddenly get too short, holes appear in the knees, and stains don’t come out of shirts. And Kinship Kids are no different! Running around in dirty play clothes is one thing, but uniforms need to be worn all day during school. And in front Appreciation, Education
An Open Letter to YOU, Our Cherished Donor
Dear friend, Do me a favor and think back to when you were a senior in high school. Remember the carefree joy of being 18 years old with little to no responsibility or worry. What were you looking forward to after graduation? Going to college? A cross country road trip? A fun summer with your friends? Whatever it was, the future was bright and your possibilities were endless. During my trip to Gilgal High School in Kenya this past February, I learned quickly that kids in their last year of high school, frequently find themselves asking, “what’s next?” The cost Appreciation, Education, Orphans
Giving Tuesday Update: Clean Water in Lodwar
There are three things in Lodwar, Kenya that are always certain: It’s always hot. It’s always dry. It’s ALWAYS in need of clean, drinkable water. While there’s not much you or I could ever change about mother nature, you DID do something about what you could change. Last year on Giving Tuesday you decided to make a change in our world and bring clean water to orphans & widows living in Lodwar, Kenya. Because of your support, drilling was able to start in early February and 30 days later, it was complete! 100ft below the sandy, dry earth lays fresh, Appreciation, News
This Widow’s Love For Her Kids Kept Her Moving Forward
Widows know the pain of tremendous loss. Death completely shatters the life they once knew, and they’re left alone to pick up the pieces. But sometimes they use that pain and suffering as a catalyst for ambition. One woman in the Emmanuel Kinship Project community in Kenya did just that. She found herself widowed with four children depending on her in a society where men are usually the main source of family income. Just like you, she dreamt of a good life for her children. So instead of giving up with this heavy burden on her shoulders, she turned things around. Community