Displaced children rescued by our Kinship Projects experience miracles often. And sometimes, these miracles happen in unexpected ways. In our Kinship Projects, the pastors and the caregivers are often given back just as much joy and love as they give to the orphans they minister to. Both need each other. And God uses these needs […]
How Theater Transformed this Abused Young Woman
When Susan was brought into the Kyengera Kinship Project, she was covered in bruises and completely mute. Every time someone moved toward her she would flinch and instantly become defensive. Susan was very timid and shy around the other children, and rarely played with them. Instead she would keep to herself and watch them play. […]
This Abandoned Kitten Was Helpless, Like Me
Do you remember Apollo? He lost his parents to AIDS when he was only 10 years old. Can you imagine? For awhile, he lived alone on the streets, struggling to feed himself and to keep himself safe. Apollo’s life changed forever when he was taken in and cared for by the Buloba Kinship Project. Now, Apollo […]
Not Just Another International Day. This One Involves YOU-th.
It’s easy to get so lost in your daily routine that you forget to think about the future. It’s even easier to forget that the little people holding your hand or sitting in your lap, your children and your grandchildren, are the generation that’ll be shaping that future. But today is a day to acknowledge […]
Your Gifts Saved Racheal’s Life!
Do you remember Racheal? She’s the 16 year-old-girl living in the Kireka Kinship Project in Uganda who nearly died due to a liver disease (check out Racheal’s story). You remember how terrified Racheal was that she would die, as she watched her foot and her abdomen swell unnaturally because of the disease affecting her liver. […]