One day, out of 365, to remember and advocate for refugees around our world. But when you are a refugee, every day is world refugee day. This “r word” marks you forever, reminding you and everyone else that you are a person without a home and without a country. Your own people have betrayed each […]
The Face of Drought: What Drought Really Looks Like
Can you imagine? Looking at your weak, dehydrated child and telling her that you don’t have any more water for her. But you’re already weak yourself because you’ve been walking MILES in the hot sun to gather water and making sure she drank before you had any at all. When you read the word “drought,” […]
Eight-Year-Old in Coma Miraculously Recovers
In March of 2017, Tom, an active, smart, and kind eight-year-old from the Geta Kinship in Kenya, was hit by a motorcycle and nearly died. While walking home one day, a trip he had made many times, a speeding motorbike ran right into Tom and knocked him off his feet, sending him crashing to the ground. […]
How Does Your Favorite Charity Measure Up?
Have you ever used Charity Navigator to help inform your personal philanthropy? In fact, you may have even found Kinship United based on our Charity Navigator rating. We love the service that Charity Navigator provides to smart philanthropists, and we are immensely proud to say that Kinship United has once again received a four-star rating from […]
Giving Tuesday Update: Clean Water in Lodwar
There are three things in Lodwar, Kenya that are always certain: It’s always hot. It’s always dry. It’s ALWAYS in need of clean, drinkable water. While there’s not much you or I could ever change about mother nature, you DID do something about what you could change. Last year on Giving Tuesday you decided to […]