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Cambodian Youth Pay It Forward Through Ministry
Here’s some heartwarming news that’s sure to bring a smile to your face: The children you support are growing into inspiring young leaders, eager to pay it forward by serving their communities and sharing God’s love. At the Chom Choa Kinship Project in Cambodia, a group of enthusiastic youths recently helped their church launch a brand-new Sunday School program called Back to School. But they didn’t just attend—they took charge! They designed posters to promote the pay it forward event, practiced their public speaking skills during it, and used their gifts to serve the Lord. Their passion and dedication set Community
Be the Hands and Feet of Christ this Christmas
This Christmas, live out the Gospel by being a vessel of God’s unending love. Give an orphan a gift that shows them they are seen, cherished, and cared for in God’s eyes. If you feel called to give, please make this Christmas unforgettable for “the least of these” who need your compassion and generosity. Every penny of your gift goes to where you designate, making an immediate and meaningful impact. Here’s how you can make a difference: Bibles and Worship: Sharing God’s Word Kinship Kids are hungry for the Word of God, and you can put a Bible, translated into Orphan Rescue
From Hunger to Hope: Make a Life-Changing Impact This Christmas
Christmas is just around the corner! This year, would you like to give a gift that truly lasts? Your kindness can offer an orphan a chance at a healthy, hopeful future. For a child who once faced nothing but uncertainty about their next meal, your generosity could mean the world. Could you please add one more child to your holiday shopping list? Every dollar of your gift goes directly where you designate, meeting urgent needs and making an immediate, life-changing impact. Read on to see some of the most essential items on "An Orphan's Wish List" this year. Food Feed Orphan Rescue