Our Blog
How To Stop Human Trafficking Before It Starts
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is coming up on July 30th. The buying and selling of humans, known as human trafficking, is one of the world’s worst crimes. In fact, human trafficking affects every country in the world. (UN) With an issue so global, it can seem overwhelming, right? But there are ways we can get ahead of the danger and protect potential victims together. Who Are the Victims, and How Can We Protect Them? Traffickers usually prey on the weakest in society, those who are vulnerable and desperate. Impoverished young girls and women are the most at risk Human Trafficking
How One Day of Generosity Turned into a Lifetime of Change
Last June 21st, compassionate people like you forever changed the lives of the struggling children living in the small Nyasi village in Kenya during our annual giving day, More Daylight to Donate. You heard their cries for help. You took to heart their dire need for a safe haven. And you made it happen! You jumped in at the ground level and took an empty building and transformed it into a loving home. And we’ll never forget the selfless way in which you brought the Nyasi Kinship Project to life for these kids. At the time, the Nyasi Kinship Project Appreciation
The Biggest Needs YOU Can Meet TODAY
If you've offered a helping hand to struggling orphans through our organization before, then you’re an adoptive parent to over 1,500 children. Yep, you read that right! You’re bringing together people who’ve had their lives destroyed by war and tragedy, and you’re giving loving homes and bright futures to orphans and widows. And you’re doing it all through local churches in 10 different countries. You may have begun your journey with Kinship United because God called you to care for orphans and widows. Or because of the high standards we hold in financial accountability. And today, you’re providing 24/7 care Orphan Rescue