Do you remember Racheal? She’s the 16 year-old-girl living in the Kireka Kinship Project in Uganda who nearly died due to a liver disease (check out Racheal’s story). You remember how terrified Racheal was that she would die, as she watched her foot and her abdomen swell unnaturally because of the disease affecting her liver. […]
“I Don’t Want To Die”
Racheal Nanfuka came into Jungo Kinship Home after both of her parents died. Just a few years later Racheal started to get sick. Here is Racheal’s story from her own perspective: In the middle of last year, my stomach started swelling. Everyone at school thought I was pregnant and no one believed that I wasn’t, […]
When Bugs Are Literally Crawling Under Your Skin
Picture it: the sun is shining and you decide to leave your shoes inside and walk around your backyard barefoot this summer. You feel the soft grass under your feet and between your toes. It even tickles a bit! It’s total bliss until you feel a sharp pain shoot through the bottom of your foot. […]
A Home for the Outcast
Sometimes, life gets lonely. You might feel like you don’t belong at school or work, or in the middle of a crowded room. But can you imagine the isolation of being an outcast in your family? Dismas Wekesa was this kind of outcast. The moment Dismas was born, he was fatherless and disabled. His mother […]
A Life Changed by Clean Feet
I think we all can agree that most little bugs are terrible pests. They buzz, they swarm, they’re creepy-crawly, and sometimes they bite. But if you’ve ever complained about a mosquito bite or a small bee sting, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Jiggers are horrible little bugs that not only bite, they burrow into your […]