A young girl finds herself alone in the world after her parents die. A poverty-stricken family abandons their baby with the hope that someone else might be able to give him a better life. An earthquake separates a family from their children who are left to fend for themselves. War, famine, natural disasters, poverty and […]
You Can Demolish this Travel Barrier for a Kinship Project
When a child is sick or injured, the first thing you want to do is get them to a doctor. But what if you didn’t have a car, and the hospital was miles away? Your journey carrying a sick child on foot would be nearly impossible. But that’s the reality for many of our Kinship […]
Rebuild an Orphan’s Safe Space
Every child deserves a bed of her own at night. A soft place for her to collapse into after a long day, to dream in when she’s sleepy, and to hide in when she’s sad. But these small safe havens need upkeep. Mattresses wear out quickly, and after giving thousands of cuddles, blankets get exhausted. […]
How to Help Orphaned Children Right Now
If your heart breaks for orphaned, abandoned, or abused children, you might be wondering, “What can I do to help orphans?” Through Kinship United, you have the power to rescue and raise these desperate children in loving Kinship Homes with families who care for them unconditionally. Does that sound like something you can get behind? […]
How to Fight Against Human Trafficking with Clean Water
Two young girls walking alone are the perfect targets for human traffickers hunting for their next victims. Why are they alone? Their family ran out of water so they had to go get more. Jerry cans empty, two sisters embark on the hours long journey in the blazing sun just to refill with more water. They’re […]